알고리즘 - Human readable duration format
03 Dec 2019문제
Your task in order to complete this Kata is to write a function which formats a duration, given as a number of seconds, in a human-friendly way.
The function must accept a non-negative integer. If it is zero, it just returns “now”. Otherwise, the duration is expressed as a combination of years, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
Note that spaces are important.
Detailed rules The resulting expression is made of components like 4 seconds, 1 year, etc. In general, a positive integer and one of the valid units of time, separated by a space. The unit of time is used in plural if the integer is greater than 1.
The components are separated by a comma and a space (“, “). Except the last component, which is separated by “ and “, just like it would be written in English.
A more significant units of time will occur before than a least significant one. Therefore, 1 second and 1 year is not correct, but 1 year and 1 second is.
Different components have different unit of times. So there is not repeated units like in 5 seconds and 1 second.
A component will not appear at all if its value happens to be zero. Hence, 1 minute and 0 seconds is not valid, but it should be just 1 minute.
A unit of time must be used “as much as possible”. It means that the function should not return 61 seconds, but 1 minute and 1 second instead. Formally, the duration specified by of a component must not be greater than any valid more significant unit of time.
formatDuration(62); // returns "1 minute and 2 seconds"
formatDuration(3662); // returns "1 hour, 1 minute and 2 seconds"
// For the purpose of this Kata, a year is 365 days and a day is 24 hours.
- 년, 일, 분, 초를 구분하기
- 파라미터 seconds를 순차적으로 년, 일, 분, 초의 값으로 나누기
- 복수, 단수 값을 처리하기
- 년, 일, 분, 초의 수에 따라 ‘and’, ‘,’의 값 할당하기
function formatDuration(seconds) {
if (seconds === 0) return 'now';
const year = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365;
const day = 60 * 60 * 24;
const hour = 60 * 60;
const minute = 60;
const second = 1;
let temp = 1;
let tempArray = [];
let result = '';
if (seconds >= year) {
temp = Math.floor(seconds / year);
if (temp > 1) {
tempArray.push(`${temp} years`);
} else {
tempArray.push(`${temp} year`);
seconds = seconds - temp * year;
if (seconds >= day) {
temp = Math.floor(seconds / day);
if (temp > 1) {
tempArray.push(`${temp} days`);
} else {
tempArray.push(`${temp} day`);
seconds = seconds - temp * day;
if (seconds >= hour) {
temp = Math.floor(seconds / hour);
if (temp > 1) {
tempArray.push(`${temp} hours`);
} else {
tempArray.push(`${temp} hour`);
seconds = seconds - temp * hour;
if (seconds >= minute) {
temp = Math.floor(seconds / minute);
if (temp > 1) {
tempArray.push(`${temp} minutes`);
} else {
tempArray.push(`${temp} minute`);
seconds = seconds - temp * minute;
if (seconds >= second) {
temp = Math.floor(seconds / second);
if (temp > 1) {
tempArray.push(`${temp} seconds`);
} else {
tempArray.push(`${temp} second`);
if (tempArray.length > 2) {
for (let i = 0; i < tempArray.length; i++) {
if (i < tempArray.length - 2) {
result += tempArray[i] + ', ';
} else if (i === tempArray.length - 2) {
result += tempArray[i] + ' and ';
} else {
result += tempArray[i];
} else if (tempArray.length === 2) {
for (let i = 0; i < tempArray.length; i++) {
if (i === 0) {
result += tempArray[i] + ' and ';
} else {
result += tempArray[i];
} else {
result += tempArray[0];
return result;